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There is no denying that the promo of Vishal Bhardwaj's incoming Saat Khoon Maaf is indeed fascinating. Likewise Priyanka Chopra's mesmerising action, if there is one feeling that stays with you durable after the promo has ended it's the strain 'Darrrling' which plays in the ground.

While Saat Khoon Maaf itself is an adjustment of Ruskin Hamper's new 'Sussanna's Figure Husbands', change the song 'Darrrling' isn't all freehand. The strain in fact finds its roots in the Slavonic song song 'Kalinka' and equal has a few Slavic language in it.

The Indigene song 'Kalinka' was written in 1860 by Ivan Larionov and has since then been a thing of varied Russian present shows.

One of the reasons for using a Russian strain could be the fact that one of Priyanka Chopra's 7 Husbands in Saat Khoon Maaf is Native somebody Aleksandr Dyachenko.