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Anushka has confused on from actuality a glam baby only. Though she continues to acquire alluring charlatan roles, she additionally makes it a point to do a few charlatan aggressive roles which will appeal able performance.

After ‘Arundhathee’, the alpine adorableness afresh accepted her adeptness in ‘Panchamuki’ recently. Now, she has got addition action in the anatomy of ‘Rani Rudrama Devi’ which is a bilingual to be fabricated in Tamil and Telugu simultaneously. Director Gunasekhar who delivered a dud like ‘Varudu’, (which had Arya in a abrogating role) is now planning a improvement benumbed on the acceptance of Anushka. This blur is to be fabricated with a ample account of Rs 40 crore.

Anushka is a hot acreage in Kollywood now as she seems to be the aboriginal best of all above heroes. She will anon accept the abundant accepted ‘Vaanam’ and again the blur adverse Vikram.