Reacting to a catechism allurement if he is into austere antagonism now because of his contempo films flopping, Ajith said “I accept accustomed my 100% to all my films done so far. So if a blur flops it hurts me a lot. At the aforementioned time I don’t appetite to deceive my admirers by accomplishing atomic films aloof for the account of actuality visible”.
He additionally added that “Watching movies in theaters today is an big-ticket airing for an accustomed family. Actuality that I am abiding they will not patronise any rubbish. So I would like to affection films. In actuality it's more good to sit at home rather than accomplishing applesauce in the name of films. So I will do alone things that accomplish me happy. Be it films or racing.
Right said Ajith. Thala pola varuma?