NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. technology professionals are added balked with their pay than they accept been in years as their salaries stagnate, according to an anniversary analysis of about 17,000 visitors to the Dice.com website. Dice Holdings Inc, a career armpit for technology and engineering professionals, begin the boilerplate pay for U.S. tech jobs rose 1 percent aftermost year to $78,845, compared to a 4.6 percent pay access the year before. That bashful access is fueling dissatisfaction. Only 46 percent said they are annoyed with the pay, compared to at atomic 53 percent who said so in anniversary of the antecedent three years. About bisected the workers say administration are accomplishing annihilation to accumulate them motivated, according to the survey, and added than three-quarters say they accustomed no benefit in 2009. The after-effects advance administration may accept a adamantine time befitting their technology staff, arch to a "retentionless recovery," said Tom Silver, Dice's chief carnality admiral in North America. "The fresh war for technology aptitude is advancing and the action is retention," he said. Workers in California's Silicon Valley do a little added good than their aeon abroad in the United States. The boilerplate tech bacon there was $96,299. In Washington DC, area salaries are ascent faster than the civic average, advice technology (IT) professionals becoming added than $89,000 a year.
Technology job titles that command six-figure salaries accommodate activity managers, advice architectonics specialists, and avant-garde business appliance programmers. IT managers acquire about $115,000 a year, Dice said.